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"The Most Extraordinary thing happened to me today"


"The most extraordinary thing happened to me today.  I received a parcel pick up note.  When I went to the post office there was a large box waiting for me.  I could not even imagine what was waiting inside.  Inside there were letters explaining that I had been nominated to receive a quilts4everydayheroes quilt.


I've had a rough year, I've spent 8 weeks in a rehab facility away from my family and children for work related PTSD.  I've returned home from there to continue with intense therapy.  I've lost my husband and best friend to separation and started out on my own (again) as a single mama to my girls.  I try not to whine about PTSD and the other bs that goes along with it.  I try to advocate for other first responders, and put a positive spin on life after treatment.  But there are days when I'm alone, my workplace has all but forgotten me, my work friends have all but disappeared and I do curl up in bed, alone, sad, crying, and in despair.  I don't talk about those days often but they happen.


I am honoured and humbled and so touched that I was chosen to receive this beautiful quilt and to know there are people out there that even if they don't know my name, or couldn't recognize me on the street, there are people that care and know that we are out here, struggling and fighting, but also living and picking up the pieces.  Thank you so much.  I will cherish this gift and will wrap myself in it and know I am loved and I'm not forgotten.   -  911 dispatcher -




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